Creating Variables in Workflows

Create Variables in Workflows:
Variables in workflows act as dynamic containers, allowing us to store and reuse values throughout our workflow.

Steps for Creating and Using Variables:

  1. Access the Manage Variables Window:
    • Open the Rubiscape workflow.
    • In the top right corner, click the “Manage Variables” option, represented by a variable icon (often resembling a box with “x”).


  2. Create a New Variable:
    • Click the “Add Variable” button in the “Manage Variables” window.
    • Enter a descriptive name for our variable (e.g., “variable_species”).
    • Choose the desired data type (e.g., text, number, date) based on the intended use of the variable.
    • Set a default value for the variable, which will be used if no other value is assigned.

  1. Utilize the Variable in Workflow:
    • Once created, we can reference our variable within our workflow by using the double at sign (“@@”) followed by the variable name (e.g., “@@ variable_species @@”).
    • This syntax inserts the current value of the variable wherever it’s used.


  2. Optional: Modify Variable Values:
    We can modify the value of a variable at any point in our workflow using various functionalities like:
    • Workflow Properties: Set variables at the workflow level, impacting the entire workflow.
    • Task Properties: Define variables specific to individual tasks within the workflow.

Additional Tips:
Descriptive Naming: Use clear and meaningful names for your variables to enhance readability and maintainability of your workflows.

Understanding the Power of Variables:
Increased Efficiency: Eliminate the need to repeatedly enter the same values in different parts of our workflow, saving time and effort.
Enhanced Reusability: Share variables across multiple workflows, promoting consistency and reducing the risk of errors.
Improved Flexibility: Dynamically adjust variable values based on external factors or user input, makes our workflows adaptable to changing circumstances.

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